  • Bangalore


Language:  English, Hindi (regional Indian and foreign languages)
Service Include: Website, Content, Document, Certificate, Software Translation, Voice Over, Subtitling
 Budget: Low-Medium
Client Type:  SME
Work Type: Retainer and Project basis

Client List-

Considered as one of the best translation service providers in Bangalore, Jsquad has worked with many clients, some of them are Vaultbank, MILLTEC, Niki.ai, Pegarse Technologies, Regalix, Zapper.  Check out their website to see the complete list of their past clients

Service Description-

Some of the key services provided by Jsquad are:

  • Localization– Jsquad can help you localize the following:
    Websites, E-commerce platforms, E-learning environments, Software, UI Strings, Admin guides, Installation guides, Online help, Operator manuals, Mobile/ Desktop apps, Video Games, Data-sheets, Marketing materials, Technical publications, etc.
  • Translation– They can help you translate all types of content in multiple languages.
  • Multimedia services- The most common types of multimedia services provided by JSQUAD are Audio / Visual integration, Voiceover for e-learning modules, Commercials, Corporate presentations, Subtitles for all types of motion pictures, commercials, etc.
  • Language Training- They offer language training to both individuals and corporates through:
    • Webinars
    • Online/ Classroom training

Company Description-

JSQUAD is one of the best language service company based in Bangalore. Irrespective of the size of your project, JSQUAD takes care of your requirements from scratch to meet your project objectives and deadlines.

If you are looking for translating or localizing services to translate varieties of content then Jsquad is the best option for you. They analyze your requirements thoroughly, understand your audience and then curate the natural content for you. You can rely on Jsquad at all budgets and ensures the on-time delivery of your project. 


  • Category : Translation Services
  • Translation Services
  • Localization
  • Transcription/voice over services



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